Its all about the AI…..

Its been 24 days since I push my game live on Steam Early Access. The feedback has been great and I’ve had more sales than I truly expected. Bugs found have also been incredible low – I am really pleased with that as I was worried whether I was doing enough testing.

I even got contacted by a major games publisher and spoke to them about my game and plans. Its was fantastic to get some advice from them and understand more about the type of war games they are interested in. I knew my game was not right for them but it shows I am on the right track. The big plus for me is I am getting gradually to meet and speak to some of the big players out there.

I have just started to target some of the dedicated war games sites to see if they are interested in doing reviews of my game. Will be interesting to see how they review my game. Good, bad or ugly the feedback will be great for me.

I pushed another release out last weekend that just about had the game at a finished state for hot seat play or for someone that likes playing both sides. But if I want to be successful I need to have some great AI.

Its all about the AI…

I have read several comments from people who have thought about buying the game that they will wait until it has AI in it.

Theres no doubt about it, writing the AI is going to be tough. The publisher I spoke to said it will be tough to write as well. But I need to do it – without it my games will never sell in any great numbers and my market will always be small.

I have been thinking about how to do it for sometime now. I have read great articles on influence maps, scripting, state engines and so on. I will tackle the Russians first – they need to play defensively to start with and I think this will be easier.

What I realized is that whatever the AI ends up being it will represent to some extent how I play games. How do I plan a move out, what order do I do things in, how aggressive a player am I and the such. Am I even a good player?

My focus initially will be to get some AI into the game – no matter how bad it is. That will act as the framework that I can build on. The first couple of turns will use a lot of scripting. Thats because initially units need to move up to where the fighting is and there is little outside influence that the human player can do to effect this.

It will be great when I release a first version with AI out on Early Access. If I can make my games challenging enough I know people will buy them and I will have a future in continuing to wrote this type of game.

Surviving the first three days of Alpha release

In my last blog I closed with the line “My expectations? I will happy if just a handful of people buy it.” So was I happy after the first 3 days of my game being available to buy and download on Steam Early Access? Read on and find out.

My biggest concern was that no one would be able to run the game after they downloaded it. Had I missed something critical? Was my desktop PC different from everyone else’s? I had a little bit of reassurance as Steam actually do a quick test of your game prior to allowing you to push it live. Since I had passed that surely everything must be ok.

The High

Within about one hour of release I had my first sale. On the Friday I was checking my sales figures every 10 minutes and reading every comment that was posted. It was very exciting.

The Low – The First Bug

I released the game fairly late on a Thursday night. It was a pleasant surprise to find that some people had brought the game overnight. But with that came the first report of a bug and it was a big one – quite literally. I had some code that made a selected unit grow and shrink a little so you could clearly see what unit you had picked while deciding where to move it to. Now I tested this game on 3 different Laptops of various ages and power to try and cover any hardware differences that might effect my game. This feature worked perfectly on all of them.

But in the real world it had an altogether different effect. The selected unit would grow and grow until it almost covered the whole screen. I think it also flashed a lot. Below is a screenshot in all its glory. The unit even ends up being upside down!

Luckily the game was still playable you just had to decide your move quickly before the monster icon devoured your screen. Also not all users saw this.

Also another defect was found overnight on Friday that caused the game to crash. I was up early Saturday morning fixing these two issues and had a patch out by midday. Since then nothing much has been reported wrong with the game functionality as it is now.


One thing I was desperately seeking was feedback on the game. I have previously released 2 games on Google Play and 1 on Apple Store but had got very little feedback about my games. So I wanted feedback but I was taken by surprise on how willing purchasers of the game were to give really useful feedback on what they liked, what they didn’t and what they wanted to see in the final version. I now have a small community willing the game on. This has been a real motivator for me.

The suggestions for improvements for the game have been incredible useful to me. I will definitely get some of them into the game. Others I will add into the design of my next game.

I also have found the small community that has built up in such a short time to be very supportive. I had a bug, they accepted it and were really pleased I had it fixed within 24 hours.

The nonsense emails

Since the game became available I have had several emails asking me to give out free steam keys so they can offer them as prizes. What do I get in return? Maybe a good review. I know my market well. Its a very niched section of game players who have similar interests to me. Giving out free keys in this way is not going to generate anything meaningful for me and I certainly don’t want fake reviews.

Next steps

I have a great looking menu coming in the next release and I will try to get some of the features requested into it as well. The next release will mean the game is complete for the player that likes to play both sides in a game. This is a fairly big proportion of my market. After that I can focus on the AI. If I can get that right then I will have something for the other major section of game players.

So back to my opening sentence – In my last blog I closed with the line “My expectations? I will happy if just a handful of people buy it.”

I am very happy.

Releasing to Alpha!

Finally I think “Kursk – Battle for Prochorovka” is ready primetime – or at least alpha time! Its time to get some feedback on the game as it is now while I work on the AI.

In the last week everything started to click into place. I fixed some bugs, got the game saving out and tweaked a few things and then suddenly it felt like it was ready for someone else to play with it and see what they think.

I spent most of today getting it uploaded to Steam with all the marketing and screenshots. Now I just need to wait 2 or 3 days for them to approve it and then I can publish it.

I decide to price it at $6.99 as the game is fully playable as is without the AI and I know for some people this will be enough. Full retail price will be $9.99 so I hope that people agree that a 30% reduction for not having AI in place is fair. I am sure there are a few bugs still to shake out but I need real people playing the game to find them when playing in a way I was not expecting.

One step closer to finding out if there is a market for this type of game. My expectations? I will happy if just a handful of people buy it.

Preparing for Alpha Release

For the last couple of weeks I have been trying to get the game to the stage where it is ready for an Alpha release.

The game will be playable as a two player hot-swap (or solo by playing both sides) version. The only items missing as of now are AI (Yes I know thats a big feature missing !) , save game and some starting menu screens.

I have a placeholder webpage in place ( and will start to populate it with more details. In addition I intend to put together some training videos to show the key concepts and gameplay.

My target is get this Alpha release out by Mid March. Time to put on my Marketing and Publisher hat!

Steam to discontinue Greenlight

So this week Steam announced (Blog) they would be replacing Greenlight with a fee based submission program. The fee could be anywhere between $100 and $5000. I am naturally a little concerned that although my game is already Greenlit they may decide to charge the fee for all games that have not gone live by the time they institute this change. I consider my game to be in a fairly niche market and was never expecting large sales. So a possible fee of $5000 would certainly block me from releasing on steam. Time will tell on this.

In the meantime I have been continuing to work as much as possible on my game and just today finished implementing artillery bombardment which is a feature of combat. This took longer than expected and wasn’t helped by me being undecided about how to implement it in the UI.

So how complete is the game? I almost have a two player (sharing a PC or someone solo playing) working completely from end to end. I believe I can get this finished in the next two weeks with some rough menus in place. The next really big item after that is AI… Once I have that conquered it would be polishing and final bug fixing before releasing the game. My target for all this is May – June 2017.

Big question for me is do I release an alpha version once I have a two player game working? I am still undecided on this. On the one hand I want some feedback on how things look now and any bugs that are found. On the other I don’t want to face a disastrous release of the game too soon due to too many bugs.

New Logo

This week’s focus has been around new UI graphics.  My Graphics artist has done a great job and I spent most of yesterday cutting them up to put into the game. Also as you might notice I have a new Logo.

Why the name yobowargames? Well my wife is Korean and Yobo is a term of endearment (a bit like honey or dear) in Korea. So I wanted to incorporate that into the name. If you look at the new logo you will see a part of the Korean Flag mixed into it.   I’m British by the way.

Below is a screenshot showing much of the new hud UI:

  • Top Middle – New Turn counter display. Since this battle reflects one day I wanted to show a clock type turn counter to reflect the count down in time remaining and putting some pressure on the player to get their objectives in time.
  • Bottom Middle – New combat factor display
  • Bottom Left & Right – New displays showing which units are involved in the combat
  • Middle – New target selections
  • New Unit counters throughout

Pivotal Tracker, New Units and WIP

This week I realized I needed a better way to track my work. Lists on paper were no longer working.

Having a quick look around for a free online tracker I came across Pivotal Tracker ( This was exactly what I needed with the free version allowing you to track 2 projects and have 3 collaborators. As you can see from the below screenshot I still have a worrying amount of work to finish!

I have also been working closely with my graphics artist this week. He has tidied up my units and is now working on UI elements. I hope to show some progress on this next week.

Here are some of the refreshed German Units with a common color scheme (I would also show the Russian units but I made a mistake with the shadow effect and need to re-spin them all again). Its been hard trying to balance the respective sizes of the vehicles with making the pictures looking good on the counters. I think my target audience will understand where I had to make compromises. I am undecided whether to also do Nato Symbols, I know some war gamers like them. For now I am not including them so I can remain focused on the core of the game.

Also this week I have been battling with how to add Air and Artillery support to battles. I looked around for some inspiration from other games and have settled on the way they implement it in the mobile game Wars and Battles ( This game has some great UI ideas for a computer based war game.

Finally here is work in progress for an image I hope to use to start marketing the game. I will also probably include it somewhere in the introduction within the game.

Terrain and Line of Sight

This week has been a slow one on the development side. I spent a fair amount of time working with my graphic artist on some changes I wanted. He is based in Russia and its a slow process with my instructions not always being that clear. I am learning that I need to be very precise on what I want.

When I did find time to do some actual coding I tidied up some backend code that was getting a little unmanageable and improved some of the combat routines. In addition I also started work on line of sight which will be needed for the AT units and spotting for artillery.

Below are the terrain tiles and description that I will put into the help.

Steam Greenlight

Today started off with the good news that Kursk 1943 has been Greenlit on Steam!

So first action of the day was to sign into Steam and complete the online paperwork associated with a Greenlit project. This includes things like your bank and tax details. Next was to download the steamworks sdk. Not sure yet how I am meant to use this and a quick glance at the documentation scared me with the amount of things it looks like i need to do.

I think a ‘sit down with a nice cup of tea and read it all through once’ session is coming up…

Tools of the trade

I had always wanted to write a game and get it published but it always seemed so hard. You need to not only be able to code. You have to be good at graphics, music, story writing, publishing, marketing, project management and so the list goes on.

However in the last few years there has been an explosion in the tools available to Indie Developers to make the whole writing a game and publishing easier. Of course there has also been a huge market shift with the likes of Apple, Google and Steam offering a venue for your games.

So what tools am I using and why?

LibGDX –

One of the first problems I needed to tackle is that I wanted to write a game I could publish on Desktop or mobile. The problem with this is that each platform has its own recommended coding language and its own platform specific issues. To solve this there are tools like LibGDX, Unity and Game Maker that allow you to write once and publish to many platforms.

I chose LibGDX. I took a couple of online courses (with Udacity and Coursera) one which used Unity and the other LibGDX. I preferred LibGDX because I could use Android Studio to develop with and because it seemed to offer me more control over my game. Also I guessed at the time I would only need to use a small fraction of its power and Unity seemed to be overkill for what I wanted.

There is a great community that supports it and I have always found an answer to problems when using it.

Tiled –

My games are Hex based maps. Tiled is perfect for that. Its simple to use, easy to edit the .tmx files it produces and works well with LibGDX.

TexturePacker –

For making my sprite sheets I use TexturePacker. Very simple to use and fits my needs perfectly.


I am going to recommend here that if you are not a graphics artist then find someone that is. I started off doing all my own graphics and they were crap. I watched hours of ‘How to do it’ videos just to do the most simple task. It has taken a lot of time away from my actually working on games.

However I have learnt a lot. It gave me a better understanding of why I need a graphics artist. I understood better what it was I actually needed from a graphic artist and I can knock up a prototype of how I want my game to look.

To do all this I use Photoshop. I had used it before for simple photo touch ups and realized that using anything else would mean learning the controls for that particular app. I experimented with Blend for 3D graphics. It just made me appreciate the skill of good graphics designers even more!

At the moment I am still designing my own unit counters because its something I enjoy but really I should hand all creative activities over to my graphics artist.

Android Studio

I have used Microsoft Visual Studio and tinkered with xcode and Android Studio before getting serious with writing games. LibGDX works with Android Studio so it became the natural development tool for me to use.


I am paranoid about losing my work – whether it be a laptop malfunction or a fire that destroys my home. So I back up everything I do to Microsofts OneDrive. I also back my code up using Android Studios built in code Repository which uploads your code to Google servers.

I really like OneDrive and actually extended my subscription to include Microsoft office for my family.


I am using a Mac for development with the main reason being I can build my apps for Android, iOS and Desktop on it. If you are focusing on PC or Android games you can go with a Windows PC.

My one recommendation here is get the most powerful one you can afford. You will find it painful trying to develop a game on a five year old 13″ screen laptop. And get the largest monitor you can afford. The more you can get on screen at the same time the more pleasurable your development time will be.

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