Localization, Marketing and Manual writing

This week I have started to look towards the launch of my game and what I need to do to get the game out to a bigger audience than Kursk.


For Battle for Korsun, I am going to localize the game for Chinese, Spanish, German, Russian and French. I decided on these languages based on the numbers I got from Google Analytics. I set up Google Analytics on my Steam store page and one of the bits of information I get is the country location of the user who browsed to the page.

This weekend I worked on the Menu screen and put in place the ability to localize the text that appears. When I believe I have all the final text I will use fiverr.com to find people to do the translations (including the game manual).

Chinese was a bit of a problem to localize due to a large number of possible characters. I believe I have a solution but need to wait until I get all the translated strings to see if it works. I also found out that Android Studio is by default not set up correctly to recognize character sets like Chinese and I needed to change the file encoding setting to fix it.

My next problem will be if any of the translated text comes back a lot longer than the English equivalent and thus does not fit into the allotted space.


I know that marketing is going to be important to help make Korsun a bigger success than Kursk. To this end, I have slowly been building up a list of people to send the game out to review for once’s it is ready.

In addition, I have started a twitter campaign. My wife recently started a class on painting watercolors and it gave me an idea (my first idea was for her to paint a watercolor of a Tiger tank. You can imagine how that went down!). I used Photoshop to give the effect of a watercolor painting to a picture. Once a week from now to launch I will send a different picture out.

Manual Writing

I have been struggling to find the right tool to use to write the instructions for Battle for Korsun. I tried Microsoft Word and also Adobe Acrobat Pro but neither were really doing it for me.

After a quick bit of research, I found that Adobe InDesign is the industry standard tool for writing manuals and books. It would seem my decision to invest in the Adobe Cloud suite is really paying off as InDesign comes as part of that.

I am not expecting to master InDesign, it looks like a great tool, but I can already do more with the layout compared to the others I tried.

Below is an early draft of the cover and first page.

And Finally

Another piece of eye candy from my Graphics Artist as he works on Invaders from Dimension X

为什么没有人出版过《小分队队长》(Squad Leader)的电脑版?


  1. 从技术上讲, 曾经有过一个电脑版的小分队队长 -http://www.old-games.com/download/9003/avalon-hill-s-squad-leader,但我不确定,玩过这个游戏的玩家会承认它名副其实。
  2. “小分队队长”在标题中指的是原来Avalon Hill公司名为 “小分队队长”和后续的 “高级小分队队长”的游戏。
  3. Avalon Hill,Paradox Interactive和Hasbro的所有版权不容置疑(我不确定是否需要仔细说明这一点,但也许他们中的一员是这个博客的爱好者…



卫兵反击(Guards Counterattack)也许是最著名的场景之一。如果你玩过这个游戏,我猜你会为它深深着迷,无时无刻不想着它。


后来又出现了像铁十字勋章(Cross of Iron)和末日高潮(Crescendo of Doom)这类的扩展游戏。这些游戏有着更多的规则,更多的筹码卡片,更多的场景以及更多的版图-所有都和现实世界相符。问题在于,在某种程度上, 需要和另一方对战。你无法在10分钟之内向某人解释清楚规则,然后立刻开始玩。如果你对所有的规则都了如指掌,然而你的对手确毫不了解情况,这样的比试是非常不公平的。





要了解这些信息,你需要挖掘一些信息。最终你会发现,Paradox Interactive 公司(https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/paradox-entertainment-to-develop-and-publish-diplomacy-and-squad-leader-pc-games.160146/) 显而易见拥有该游戏的数字版权。然而他们确没有行使这项权利。为什么?





似乎合情合理?我的意思是谁在乎40年前出版的游戏?然而,法律禁止这一做法。Hasbro公司购买了许多Avalon Hill公司的游戏生产权,从而最终获得游戏的所有权。其中大部分受版权法保护。我不是律师,但我所做的研究结果使您无法执行以下操作:

  • 不能复制图像
  • 不能使用名称
  • 不允许复制地图板的布局

然而,奇怪的是,游戏规则不受版权法的约束。你不能使用Avalon Hill公司的文字,但是如果你用自己的语言重述却不受限制。



确实如此,然而表面上,这是作为核心游戏而开发的玩家模组。对我而言类似于灰色地带,但至今还没有人为此而抱怨。Peter Fisla, 虎式狩猎的开发商-http://www.wargamer.com/reviews/review-tigers-on-the-hunt/,最初尝试开发一个小分队队长的游戏,但是迫于版权问题放弃了该想法。虎式狩猎的“灵感”来自于小分队队长。虽然将已有的规则使用于自己的游戏是毫无问题的,但是游戏会被玩家打上“重生”的标记,并有可能在将来受到Hasbro的抨击。



如果您认知Paradox Interactive公司的人,请您把以下内容传达给他们:


全世界都在期待计算机版本的小分队队长。来自于Yobo战棋(yobowargames)的兰斯(Lance),很期待有机会把这一精彩的游戏,展现在 Windows, Mac, iOS 和 Android 的平台上。



¿Por qué nadie ha publicado una versión en computadora de Squad Leader?

Antes de responder a las preguntas vamos a dejar en claro algunas cosas.

  1. Técnicamente ha habido una versión de computadora de Squad Leader – http://www.old-games.com/download/9003/avalon-hill-s-squad-leader pero no estoy seguro si alguien que haya jugado el tablero del juego lo reconocería como tal
  2. El “Squad Leader” en el encabezado se refiere tanto al juego original de Avalon Hill llamado “Squad Leader” como a la secuela sucesiva “Advanced Squad Leader”
  3. Todos los derechos de Avalon Hill, Paradox Interactive y Hasbro son reconocidos (no estoy seguro de que tenga que decir esto, pero tal vez sean admiradores de este blog …)

Me encanta Squad Leader. Recuerdo haber pedido a mis padres que lo compraran para mí como regalo de cumpleaños / Navidad. Recuerdo haberme metido furtivamente en su dormitorio y mirar la caja cerrada – Algo que nunca había hecho antes. Es el mejor regalo que me han regalado (en realidad, trajeron muchos grandes regalos – pero es probablemente mi regalo favorito entre todos).

¿Quién no ama este mapa?
¿El mejor escenario para un juego de Guerra de la historia?


El Contrataque de los Guardias (The Guards Counterattack) es probablemente uno de los escenarios más famosos. Si tienes el juego lo debes haber jugado, e imagino que lo amas y que todavía piensas con cariño acerca de él.


Luego vinieron los complementos como Cruz de Hierro (Iron Cross en inglés) y Crescendo de Perdición (Crescendo of Doom). Más reglas, más contadores, más escenarios, más tableros – todo estaba bien con el mundo. El problema es, y sigue siendo en cierta medida, encontrar a alguien con quien jugar. No puedes explicarle las reglas a alguien en 10 minutos y empezar a jugar. Si tienes pleno conocimiento de todas las reglas y jugas contra alguien que no, tienes una ventaja injusta.

Todavía hay una gran base de fans para estos juegos. MMP todavía produce material para ello, al igual que otras empresas que producen añadidos que trabajan con y para extender el juego original. Así que, tú pensarás, que esto lo haría un candidato principal para que alguien produzca una versión de computadora donde puedas vivir el juego.

Pero hay un problema.

En realidad, varios problemas.

¿Quién es el propietario de los derechos para producir una versión electrónica del juego?

Para encontrar esta información tienes que excavar un poco. Eventualmente descubrirás que Paradox Interactive (https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/paradox-entertainment-to-develop-and-publish-diplomacy-and-squad-leader-pc-games.160146/) aparentemente posee los derechos digitales del juego. Pero no han hecho nada con este derecho. ¿Por qué podría ser esto?

La primera razón podría ser que el lanzamiento de su versión de Diplomacy, cuyos derechos digitales adquirieron al mismo tiempo que Squad Leader, no fue un éxito.

La segunda es que han tenido un tremendo éxito con otros juegos y no ven la necesidad de hacerlo.

Finalmente ¿Podrán alguna vez satisfacer a los fans de este juego?

Ok, entonces sólo sigue adelante y desarrolla el juego tú mismo

Parece razonable ¿no? Quiero decir ¿A quién le importa un juego que fue publicado por primera vez hace 40 años? Bueno, la ley lo impide. Hasbro compró los derechos de muchos juegos de Avalon Hill y, por lo tanto, en última instancia, los derechos son de ellos. Gran parte de esto está protegido por la ley de derechos de autor. No soy abogado, pero con la investigación que he hecho esto te impide hacer lo siguiente:

  • No puedes copiar los gráficos
  • No puedes utilizar el nombre
  • Es probable que incluso copiar el diseño de los mapas no esté permitido

Sin embargo, extrañamente, las reglas mecánicas no están sujetas a las leyes de derechos de autor. No puedes utilizar el texto escrito por Avalon Hill pero si los reescribes y los utilizas usando tus propias palabras es aceptable.

Pero Tigers on the Hunt tiene un modo de Advanced Squad Leader

Esto es cierto, pero, obstinadamente, esto se produjo como un fan mod para el juego central. Parece un poco como una zona gris para mí, pero nadie se ha quejado hasta ahora. Peter Fisla -el creador de Tigers on the Hunt – http://www.wargamer.com/reviews/review-tigers-on-the-hunt/, originalmente iba a escribir un juego de Squad Leader, pero tuvo el problema de los derechos de autor y tuvo la idea de Tigers on the Hunt, que es “inspirado” en Squad Leader. Aunque el uso de las reglas para su propio juego es aceptable, sería etiquetado como un juego de SL por sus fans y luego Hasbro podría quejarse.

¿Entonces eso es todo?

Parece que sí, a no ser que Paradox tenga un equipo trabajando en secreto o estén preparándose para ceder los derechos a otra persona.

Si conoces a alguien en Paradox Interactive, por favor, envíales lo siguiente:

Estimado señor

El mundo está a la espera de una versión de computadora de Advanced Squad Leader. Lance, de yobowargames, agradecería la oportunidad de traer este gran juego a las plataformas Windows, Mac, iOS y Android.

Siempre será recordado como el salvador de este juego legendario si usted permite que esto suceda.

Saludos cordiales

Progress on all fronts

Algunas semanas siento que he progresado poco. Esta semana parecía una de esas, pero este fin de semana algunas cosas han dado de pronto y puedo ver que las cosas realmente han cambiado.

Invasores de la Dimensión X

En primer lugar, algunos de los primeros borradores de mi experto en gráficos para Invasores de la Dimensión X. En el juego las acciones alienígenas son dictadas por el jugador seleccionando al azar una ficha de activación. Esta es una de esas áreas donde convertir un juego a PC realmente muestra el beneficio.

De esto:

A esto:

Realmente disfruto trabajando en este juego. Una vez que reciba el set completo de su parte, terminaré de codificar las acciones alienígenas.

Batalla por Korsun

Este fin de semana he añadido el código y los datos de refuerzos. Había puesto esto para la tarea de ingreso de datos y laboriosa, con comprobación de que no he cometido ningún error en el ingreso.

De todos modos, ahora que está hecho, y con algunos otros cambios de código, puedo jugar el juego entero. Lo siguiente es un par de semanas de pruebas constantes y reparación de errores y luego creo que podré entregar una versión más para algunas pruebas adicionales.

Mi idea es, de momento, lanzar una versión no AI primero en mi sitio y luego lanzar una versión final completa con AI incluida. De esa manera aquellos que siguen mis juegos de cerca obtendrán el juego temprano y con un descuento. Esta vez también voy a ofrecer claves Steam a los que compran el juego temprano, para que también se puede obtenerlo de Steam una vez que sea lanzado allí.



He estado jugando con los contadores de la unidad de Kampfgruppe. Mi idea actual es mantener la información sobre los contadores a un mínimo real.

En este ejemplo, el 5 representa el número de hombres en el equipo. Otras cosas como el movimiento y la potencia de fuego se mostrarían en una caja de información. Estoy trabajando sobre la base de que una vez que un jugador ha jugado el juego unas cuantas veces, el mismo va a recordar una gran cantidad de la información clave y el jugador podrá simplemente concentrarse en jugar el juego.


Aquí es donde gran parte del trabajo duro tiene lugar. También tengo un ordenador portátil así que a veces, durante el fin de semana, me siento afuera con un café y disfruto del gran clima de California. Estoy intentando hacer de esto una ocupación a tiempo completo. Si puedo llegar a ese estado habría alcanzado un objetivo de vida.


Translations, Custom Map and Combat Display


This week I have been thinking about how to reach more wargamers, especially those whose native language may not be English.

As an experiment, I have decided to have some of my blogs and store items translated into Russian, Chinese and Spanish. Chinese and Spanish because they are number 2 & 3 in the list of spoken languages and Russian because I believe they have a fairly large wargame community.

To do this I have added the WPML plugin to this WordPress site. As I have woocommerce I had to buy the Multilingual CMS version to allow me to get everything fully working.

I then used Fiverr to contact some translators.

So the total cost of this experiment so far has been around $170. What I hope to get is some more hits on this website and sign-ups to my Newsletter with the knock-on effect of more sales of Battle for Korsun when I release it.

Once a month I will look to translate some of my key articles. Battle for Korsun will be supported in multiple languages. Can’t wait to see how this affects sales compared to Kursk.


This week I reached out to Ilya Kudriashov to draw me a custom map for Battle for Korsun. Ilya is an upcoming star in the board game world. Check out some of this work here.

I will use this to help with the marketing of the game. Hope the investment pays off!

Combat Display

I wanted to have a good way to display some combat information in Battle for Korsun. So after a little bit of playing around with photoshop , came up with this:

Progress on all fronts


异次元入侵(Invaders from Dimension X





柯颂之战(Battle for Korsun



此刻我的想法是在我的网站上先发布一个非智能版本,然后发布一个含有智能版的完整最终版本。这样,对于那些一直关注我游戏的玩家将可以提早获得游戏并享有折扣。这一次, 我还将为及早购买游戏的玩家们提供steam注册码,便于他们在游戏发布后通过steam直接获得该游戏。



在这个例子中,5 代表了小组人数。其他事项,如移动和火力将显示在信息框内。我的设计基础是,玩家一旦玩了几次游戏之后,会记住很多关键信息,并专注于玩游戏。



Progress on all fronts

Some weeks I feel like I have made little progress. This week was looking like one of those weeks but this weekend of few things have suddenly come together and I can see things really have moved on.

Invaders from Dimension X

First up are some early drafts back from my graphics expert for Invaders from Dimension X. In the game, the alien actions are dictated by the player randomly selecting an activation chit.  This is one of those areas where converting a game to PC really shows the benefit.

From this:  

To this:

I am really enjoying working on this game. Once I get the complete set back from him I will finish coding the alien actions.

Battle for Korsun

This weekend I added in the code and data for reinforcements. I had put this off as its mainly a data entry task and laborious with checking that I have not made any input errors.

Anyway now that is done and with some other code changes, I can now play the game through. Next up is a couple of weeks of constant testing and bug fixing and then I think I can hand a version over for some further testing.

My thoughts are at the moment to release a non-AI version first on my site here and then release a full final version with AI on steam. That way those of you that follow my games closely will get the game early and at a discount. This time I will also provide steam keys to those who buy the game early so that they can also get it from steam once it’s released there.


I have been playing around with the unit counters for Kampfgruppe. My present thoughts are to keep information on the counters to a real minimum.

In this example, the 5 represents the number of men in the squad. Other things like movement and firepower would be shown in an information box. I am working on the basis that once a player has played the game a few times they will remember a lot of the key information and can just concentrate on playing the game.


This is where a lot of the hard work takes place. I also have a laptop so sometimes at the weekend I sit outside with a coffee and enjoy the great California weather. I am aiming to make this a full-time occupation. If I can get to that state I would have reached a life goal.

Why has no one published a computer version of Squad Leader?

So before I answer that questions lets clear up a few items.

  1. Technically there has been a computer version of Squad Leader – http://www.old-games.com/download/9003/avalon-hill-s-squad-leader but I am not sure if anyone who has played the board game would recognize it as such
  2. “Squad Leader” in the heading refers to both the original Avalon Hill game called “Squad Leader” and the follow-up successor “Advanced Squad Leader”
  3. All rights of Avalon Hill, Paradox Interactive, and Hasbro are recognized (not sure I need to state this but maybe they are a fan of this blog….)

I love Squad Leader. I remember asking my parents to buy it for me as a Birthday/Christmas Gift. I remember sneaking into their bedroom and looking at the unopened box – Something I had never done before/since. It is the best gift they ever bought for me (Actually they brought many great gifts – but its probably my most favorite best gift).

Who doesn’t love this map board?

The Guards Counterattack is probably one of the most famous scenarios. If you have the game you would have played it and I am guessing love it and still think fondly about it.

The most famous wargame scenario in history?

Then came the add-ons like Cross of Iron and Crescendo of Doom. More rules, more counters, more scenarios, more boards – everything was right with the world. The problem is, and remains to some extent, finding someone to play against. You cannot explain the rules to someone in 10 minutes and start playing. If you have full knowledge of all the rules and are playing against someone that does not you have an unfair advantage.

There is still a big fan base for these games. MMP still produce material for it, as do other companies who produce add-ons that work with/extend the original game. So you would think this would make it a prime candidate for someone to produce a computer version that can live up to the game.

Buts there’s a problem.

Actually several problems.

Who owns the rights to produce an electronic version of the game?

To find out this information you have to do a little bit of digging. Eventually, you will find out that Paradox Interactive (https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/paradox-entertainment-to-develop-and-publish-diplomacy-and-squad-leader-pc-games.160146/) apparently own the digital rights to the game. But they have done nothing with this right. Why could this be?

The first reason could be that the release of their version of Diplomacy, whose digital rights they acquired at the same time as Squad Leader, was not a success.

The second that they have had tremendous success with other games and do not see the need to.

Finally, can they ever satisfy the fan base for this game?

Ok well then just go ahead and develop the game yourself

Seems reasonable right? I mean who cares about a game that was first published 40 years ago? Well, the law prevents this. Hasbro purchased the rights to many games Avalon Hill produced and therefore ultimately own the rights to them. Much of this is protected by copyright law. I am not a lawyer but with the research I have done this prevents you from doing the following:

  • You cannot copy the graphics
  • You cannot use the name
  • Likely even copying the layout of the map boards is not allowed

However, strangely, the rules mechanics are not subject to copyright laws. You cannot use the text as written by Avalon Hill but if you rewrite and utilize them them using your own words you are ok.

But Tigers on the Hunt has a Advanced Squad Leader mod

This is true but, obstensively, this was produced as a fan mod to the core game.  Seems like a bit of a grey area to me but no one has complained so far. Peter Fisla, the developer of Tigers on the Hunt – http://www.wargamer.com/reviews/review-tigers-on-the-hunt/, was originally going to write a Squad Leader game but hit the copyright problem and gave up on the idea. Tigers on the Hunt is “Inspired” by Squad Leader. Although using the rules for your own game is ok it would get labeled as a SL game by its fans and then Hasbro may come knocking.

So that’s it then?

Seems so unless Paradox have a team secretly working on it or they are prepared to pass the rights onto someone else.

If you know someone at Paradox Interactive could you please pass the following onto them:

Dear Sir

The world is waiting for a computer version of Advanced Squad Leader. Lance, from yobowargames, would welcome the opportunity to bring this great game to the Windows, Mac, iOS and Android platforms. 

You will forever be remembered as the savior of this legendary game should you allow this to happen.

Kind Regards

What is my place in all of this?

Since I started writing computer-based wargames I have noticed that my interest in the design of hex/counter wargames has increased, as has reading about the thoughts of renowned wargame designers (I am presently reading ). Also, I have become far more interested in the whole wargame industry (is that the right word to use for a hobby?). This new interest has left me with many questions:

  • What makes a good Hex/Counter wargame?
  • Why are there so few computer versions of wargames – especially when there are so many printed versions available to buy?
  • How is it that some of the biggest sellers of printed versions of wargames have such terrible looking websites?
  • How are so many (at least to me seems like many) publishers of wargames able to survive?
  • Why do wargamers seem happy to buy low quality (in my opinion) versions of wargames at fairly high prices? Low quality here means in terms of printed material.
  • Does a printed version of a wargame that sells for $50 mean I can sell a computer version for the same price?
  • Many wargamers play games solo, effectively playing both sides. Are they willing to do that with a computer game or are they all seeking to play an AI?
  • Why has no one published a computer version of Squad Leader?

Perhaps the biggest question for me is “What is my place in all of this?”.

  • Indie Developer? I thought this was me and my place in the industry. But was that ever true? I play board wargames. I have hundreds of books on military/political history (My wife complained a lot about them when we moved recently!). Writing computer games is actually an extension/merger of my love of history, pushing counters around a board and coding.
  • Social Commentator? While the readership of my blogs is low, I do get feedback via emails and I know readers are interested in some of my thoughts. I have been wondering whether I should comment more on the industry as I am now a part of it?
  • Publisher? When I started up yobowargames I just imagined writing computer games and selling them via other established platforms (Steam, Slitherine, GMT Games etc). But with all of these I, of course, have to share the revenue. I have no problem with this as they offer a way to get to my target audience that I do not have. But now my thoughts are changing on this. Can I become my own publisher?
  • Hobbyist? I have a full-time day job. I would love this to be my full-time day job, but the reality is I need to pay the mortgage and put food on the table for my family (and go on nice holidays!). Does this mean what I do is a Hobby?

I feel that I am still defining my role in all of this. Maybe there isn’t a definitive “place” I am in. I do have a vision of where I want to be in three years time but not yet of what path I will take to get there.

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